Saturday, May 1, 2010


不知道从几时开始,开始对这个毒品上姻。 小时候时常听说别服太多,因为对身体不好,会上姻的。可是我偏不信。









Monday, April 26, 2010

My new babe~

The latest 8th edition.

Small and consice. Every page is fulled of words and I am going to read that one by one.

Human body can never be uncomplicated

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing my new friend,

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine.

Haha! ! ! This is going to be my "best friend" for my Internal Medicine posting :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


终于考完了,最近真的好忙好忙。。。不知不觉地又过了第二个posting。我还瞒喜欢儿科的。因为每看见有婴儿病得很严重,病得每次呼吸都需很大的力量,才能吸进小小的一口气,有时还需要氧气来帮助提高血里的氧气份量,心里不时都觉得很难过。心想。。。为升么有些小孩不能像一般的人健康地成长,为升么一个小小的婴儿出世后就要受苦,我看过好几多天生心脏有问题的婴儿。。不是有 ventricular septal defect,就是transpositiong of great arteries。 看见他们嘴唇蓝蓝的,呼吸也比别的小孩快得多,喝奶也喝得少。。。







我会永远记得我的lecturer 告诉我的一番话:" Every parent wants their child to be perfect."

我遇见了一位母亲。。她的婴儿被diagnosed有 Edward Syndrome. 一种genetic defect。就好像Down Syndrome一样,不过是不同的chromosome 被影响。只外,他还有avsd.(天生心脏有洞) 大多的Edward Syndrome小孩都不能活很久,有些出世不就就去世。有些能活几个月。。。就久的都活到一年。。。我在儿科有四个礼拜,他共进院两次。。。这些小孩,每当生病都会比较严重,所以一定要入院,他共进院两次。。母亲时时刻刻的照顾他,眼看知到婴儿就将要去世。。。。那位母亲还是不离不弃。。。



Sunday, March 15, 2009RM 5.50 for a boy boredom

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


今天还算是开学以来最轻松的一天。早上到neonatal ward去检查婴儿。现在我被post到neonatal ward一个星期,几乎每天都要换尿片,先在我可以说是换尿片高手了,哈哈。。。每天对着刚出世不久的baby,心情特别的好,看他们在这个世界慢慢的开始呼吸,看着他们的眼睛,就可以想像到他们开始走路。。。开始学说话。。。开始上学。。。。以后就长大成人。在儿科posting,让我发觉,我从前也走过他们走的路。在儿科也让我发觉。。。。生命是如此地脆弱。。。两天前,当我在病房时,我看见一个大越十二岁的小孩,在床上不停的喊叫,我好奇得就和我同事去看,看到file里写dengue shock syndrome.一种比平时严重的骨痛热疹。他在床上喊个不听,很不耐反,可见是因为他缺水太多,导自他人不清醒,自言自语,我看见他的妈妈在陪着他,就叫我同事去拿些知料。我看他情况开始稳定,虽然dengue shock syndrome是比平时的dengue严重了些,不过如过好好的帮他进水,是可以回复正常的。与是就没想太多。




Wednesday, March 24, 2010


唉。。。最近真的是累死人了,除了每各一天就要 on call,cover ward之外,每天早上7:30am就要起床,去医院跟专科医生的ward round。过后有时就有case presentation。没有case presentation时就有extra class。 好累!!!!! 最近也觉得自己比从前累,每天中午的lunch break一定要睡一阵,就算是几分钟也好,无所谓。。。每天回来一定要睡先才读书,以经很久没有半夜起床读书了,因为每次都睡不醒。



Monday, March 22, 2010


时间过得快,今天轮到我的外科(surgery)的long case 考试。今天的病人是一位四十九岁的aunty,因为肚子痛了三天而入院。当她知到我今天有考试须要检查她,她还很乐意地告诉我她的健状。谢谢哦 aunty !!!当然希望这次的考试可以及格咯!!

10:30am考完后,12:30pm 又有cfcs的case presentation。基本上是报告我的病人在家的状况。当我present完我的case过后,觉得很闷,就拿起了我的"iphone" 来玩。哈哈。。。



Monday, March 1, 2010







Saturday, February 27, 2010



可惜,这些像神仙的生活明天就会结束。回到那儿,将会过着不是人过的生活,也许我有点夸张吧。。不过就是每天大早起床,到医院试习,上课。回来赶着读书和presentation。将面对每四个星期考试的生活。一天如果早上一点前可以睡,算是很好命了!有时赶presentation 到只睡不超过三小时。考试时跟不用说咯!今年还将是大考,好怕考不过。新年时常被问的问题 :"你几时毕业啊?还读多久啊?" "一年很快就过啦!""以后就赚大钱咯!" "好料哦,读医生"。 这些是每户家拜年时被问的问题,无可避免。有时还问我关与健康问题。有时拜年或聚会时,你就会成为中心人物,因为你是未来医生。做夫母的,看到自己的孩子做医生当然高兴不及,可是我们就无意地被这些话题和别人的期望加上一层无型的压力在我们身上。

哈哈,人终是如此,好命过度就会开始谩怨自己的生活。当自己在comfort zone 时,就不愿离开这个"鸟窝"。有时还会怪自己:"谁叫你读医科?好好选普通科在槟城不就好了吗?" 不过人各有志,帮助病人是我从小的愿望,为了这个,我只好牺牲和家人及好几位好友的相处时间。

再见了,朋友们。我在芾蓉还有没完成的恁务,谢谢你们与我度过美好的假期, 回来再团聚 !

Thursday, February 18, 2010




今年的gathering还特别的多,明天一大早放工后就约了college的朋友吃早点,还有更期待的是明天韩江小学的 reunion dinner!!!听说大约30人出席,好期待!好期待!

今天就约了中学朋友在Queensbay吃午餐,到了Queensbay还看见好多人,人山人海!我还以为大多数的人都开工了,就连sushi king和nandos都要排长龙!更何况是龙的传人!!!结果就去了Azuma日本料理!

中学的聚会当然会想回以前的美好回亿啦!就说回以前顽皮的事啦!比如上课时偷玩 Lingo,偷抄功课,讲老师的坏话,作弄朋友等等,过后我们还提说现在的课目比从前还好难,结果都跑去popular书局去看参考书,好好笑,那时还有几位小朋友在看书,看着我们一班大人去翻看参考书。说来也是的,我翻回物理课本都惊讶,SPM竟然读 lung cancer 和 emphysema!!

今晚12点又要到 red crescent 的总部 standby ambulance 了.从林12点到明天早上8点。

我今天算了红包钱了!!!!总数是 RM *40.00. 哈~ 今天已经存进银行咯!

Monday, February 15, 2010


好期待的新年又到了,想在此祝我的家人及朋友新年龙马精神,身体键康,步步高升。今年的新年还好特别的,今年我们决定去外吃团年饭,而且去了TGI Friday,当初还以为会没有人,可是到了那边看见还有别的家人以经吃着团年饭,愿来现代的人好 modern! 今年是为了不要让妈妈太忙,才决定出外吃。

吃后就决定在Queensbay走走,可是大多的店都没开了,而其它店分行如Starbuck, TGI Friday, Jusco就由其它族的朋友加班。


新年前的气氛真是叫人期待,到处都播放新年歌,由其是今年大受欢迎的 <大日子>。

HUATTTT ARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lets do it and just do it!

Tmr will be my first day of selective in Penang GH. Good luck KS!!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I must let go of order to stand back up again.....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rest in peace

Heartache when heard about the tragedy yesterday morning.

Deepest condolences.

Fellow juniors and teacher..Rest in peace.

God bless you all.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My favourite movie- Rocky Balboa

My favourite movie of all time.. The Rocky series.

This movie the continuation of Rocky V. Underdog boxer Rocky has retired for 20 years from boxing. Living a peaceful life in Philadelphia and running a small Italian restaurant named after his late wife "Adrian". At the same time he is battling over his grief over his wife's dead and his relationship with his son. At the same time, newly crowned champ Dixon reigns undefeated. However, he was not shown to have the same respect compared to Rocky when he was a champ because many think that he has an easy rise through beating "bum" fighters, having never gone up against a true contender. This frustrates the champ, causing tension with the public and his promoters.

One day sport channel ESPN broadcasts a simulation fight between Rocky (during his prime) and Mason Dixon that eventually ended with KO handed victoy to Rocky. Rocky feel inspired to have a small fight locally after watching the simulation, there is something "down there" within him. What he feels like doing all the time. Dixon promoters then suggested a charity match between the past-champ and the current champ in Mandalay Bay to boost Dixon falling populariy. The fighters agreed to have a fight. With this, Rocky began training the next day to prepare for final match of his life.

There are the scene and quotes from the movie that inspired me:

There was a scene where Robert (Rocky's son) makes an effort to discourage Rocky from fighting, blaming his own personal failings on his father's celebrity shadow, but Rocky rebukes him with some profound advice; that to succeed in life "It ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." A fighter don't quit until the last round. No matter how tired they were, they will still holding up their hands covering up their face and blocking punches. No matter how tired they will still laid down punches. Fighter fights until the end. No way for them to put down hands until the last round or unless you give them KO.

Rocky: "World ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it."

Marie to Rocky: It doesn't matter how this looks to other people. If this is something you gotta do, then you do it. Fighters fight.

The night before the big fight against undefeated champ Mason Dixon in Las Vegas, Little marrie went to his hotel and brought him his late wife's photo for him,and said this to him :"The last thing to age on somebody is their heart." Some think that his prime has over and it would be a big KICK in his ass to fight someone who is far more younger, faster speed, physically fitter than him. Even Dixon thinks that he can beat him with both of his hands tied up, but once again that night he has proved to those people that he still can give out hard punches, punches that make him feels like kissing an express train.

Rocky to Mason: " Lotta people come to Vegas to lose... I didn't "

After the match: Rocky to Mason : You are a great champ. Mason to Rocky: YOU GOT HEART

If you feels like doing anything in your life, just do it, dont find any excuse to keep yourself in comfort zone. Winning or losing is not the most important thing in life, because it is out of our control, but what we can control is giving out our best, and leaves nothing behind, so at the end of the day, you can look at yourself in the mirror and said " I have let it all out."

Aisehhhhhhhhhhhh~~ talking like an expert, but its always easier to say than doing it.

My most favourite scene in the movie, the training part:

Saturday, January 2, 2010