Monday, September 7, 2009

Lesson in clinic

Today in the KK Ampangan.................

KS: "Okie Pagi Puan, nama saya Kean Seng, pelajar doctor, saya akan tanya beberapa soalan boleh?"

Puan: "Boleh..."

KS:" Puan datang sebab sakit apa?"

Puan:" Saya ada migraine..."

KS:"Oh, sudah berapa lama? "

Puan:" sudah 3-4 tahun."

KS:" Dulu ada tengok doctor?"

Puan:" swata"

KS:" Doctor bagi ubat apa?"

Puan:" Doctor bagi Ergometrine, Ponstan and nasal spray."
(Wow....Kean Seng is happy that she still know what medication she is taking, not taking it blindly)

KS:" Keluarga ada siapa ada sakit tak? biarpun migraine atau sakit lain."

Puan:" ibu bapa ada hypertension dan diabetes, adik ada asthma, saudara ada dua orang ada sakit, satu Lymphoma and satu renal problem....ARF"

(ARF.....?!!!!!! Lymphoma?!!!!!!! somemore use the word "renal" ????? Wait wait wait........this is not right man, normal people usually wont use the words renal and ARF......who is she actually)

KS:" Puan, kerja apa ya?"

Puan:" saya kerja di hospital.."

-_- no wondeR she knows about ergometrine, ponstan and uses the word renal rather than kidne and ARF........

Surprise but still remains calm.

KS:" mana?"

Puan:" Hospital Tuanku Jaafar...staff nurse"

0_O HTJ ???? (Our teaching hospital!!!??!!)

well, nvm......

calm calm calm calm calm calm...............

KS:" Sebagai nurse?"

Puan:" Ya......"

I kakak (I used to call nurse kakak, they are like my sister and teaches me many things in the ward)

KS:" Oh........kat mana department?"

She smile and said....

Puan:" Surgical................." :)

KS....!!!!!! YOU NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson of the day:" Must always ask the patient about their occupation, even before the ch ief complaint."

Later, during examination....Kean Seng has fine tremor and have difficulty in taking temperature, not because he was afraid of the nurse but this is the effect from the shock during clerking.


Mike said...

ahaha. sometimes i'll remember to ask what they do for living first, so that can tune the conversation to their level better. i have clerked MA and PPK before but not staff nurse. they are definitely more pro than us.

谢建成 said...

tht's why mike......i noob....

~*♥RaiNniE ZyNn♥*~ said... friend...
you're not noob...
at least you learn something from this lesson rite?
so is a good experience ya~! :)
gambateh!! ^^